Seeds - Poppy, Planete Rouge du Jura OG (HM)

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Description: A rare Swiss poppy that was developed for seed and oil production, but is highly ornamental as well. Lavender-pink, magenta, and mauve flowers sit atop waxy grey-green, scalloped foliage.

Botanical name: Papaver somniferum

Prefers poor soil

Breadseed poppies will re-seed themselves in the garden if you allow some pods to mature and remain in the garden over winter. 

The best way to sow these is to direct seed into the early spring garden, as soon as the soil can be lightly worked but while temperatures are still cool. Surface sow or gently press into the soil. Sprinkle a little moistened compost or light soil over the area to help the seeds stay in place. 

This type of poppy can be challenging to start indoors and transfer to the garden, so we recommend direct seeding outdoors. 

Pack Size: 0.44 g (1/64 oz)

Seed Source: Certified Organic

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