Parsley, Laica Italian (Certified Organic Seeds)


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Description: Surprisingly sweet and tasty Italian flat leaf parsley with excellent regrowth capacity. Leaves are almost sweet with a mild nod to parsley's typical flavour, perfect for raw preparations. Plants are very fast maturing, offering high yields and cut and come again growth.

Notes: Italian Parsley is often confused with Cilantro, which is an all-together different plant; the two have very different flavours! If wintering parsley indoors, keep pots in the coolest room that has direct sun. Also, do not be shy to trim plants right down several times per year - they will reward you with abundant regrowth!

USDA Certified Organic/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO

Pack Size: 0.89 g (1/32 oz)

Latin Name: Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum
Alternative Names: Flat Leaf Parsley
Main Uses: Culinary
Zone Hardiness: Annual or biennial
Exposure: Part sun
Height: 35 cm (14 inches)
Flowering Time: Second year, typically in mid-spring
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

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