Seeds - Beet, Touchstone Gold OG (T)
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Description: Milder flavour, uniformity, gorgeous colour and preference for warmer soils set this beet apart from others. The tops are solid green and may be used in place of other leafy greens such as chard. The colour is a plus and the flesh retains its vibrant colour even when cooked.
Pack Size: 70 seeds
Latin Name: Beta vulgaris
Main Uses: Vegetable, both greens and beets
Days to Maturity: 55 days
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 30 cm (12 in.)
Certified Organic: Ecocert Canada
Germination: 5 - 14 days at 15 - 22°C.
Sowing: Touchstone Gold beets prefer warmer soil for germination and may be sown outdoors starting in late May. A fall crop may be sown in September for the leafy greens.
Pretreatment: Soften the seeds by soaking them for 2 hours before planting.
Planting Depth: 1/2” - 3/4” deep. Pat down the soil to ensure very good contact between seed and soil.
Spacing: Sow seeds 2” apart in rows 1 to 2 feet apart. Thin to 3”. Each beet seed is actually a cluster of seeds, so thinning is an absolute must! Thin to 3 - 4” depending on the desired size of the beet.
Row Spacing: 12 - 24".
Soil and Nutrient Requirements: Beets require loose, well-drained soils. Loosen heavy clay by adding quality compost such as Sea Soil. The addition of Greensand to the garden beds will also help to loosen clay soil.
Growing in Containers: May be grown in large, deep pots or barrels. Add 25% quality compost to the potting mix; fertilize weekly with a high-nitrogen organic plant food such as fish-based fertilizer.
Fertilizing (Containers): Add 25% quality compost to potting mix; fertilize weekly with a higher-nitrogen organic plant food such as fish-based fertilizer.
Watering (Containers): Water containers deeply when the top inch feels dry to the touch. Monitor every day or two during very hot weather.
Garden Companions: Beets provide the soil with healthy nutrients - veggies growing beside the beets will benefit from these extra nutrients. Bush beans add nitrogen to the soil and are a great companion for almost any veggie, including beets.
Growing in Mixed Planters: Looks great in larger mixed planters. Combine with other leafy vegetables or herbs.
Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed amended with compost. No additional fertilizer is required.
Watering (Garden): Water to establish (first two weeks). Once established, water weekly to maximize productivity.
Harvesting: For beet greens, start harvesting around five weeks, or when leaves are 3”.
Notes: Beets that are crowded by weeds may become tough and stringy. Avoid soils with a high nitrogen content as too much nitrogen can cause too much leaf growth and not enough root development. Providing even moisture will help prevent cracking.
Suitability for Indoors: Beets are a specialized crop indoors.