Seeds - Chard, Rainbow Mix OG (SGH)


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Description: Gorgeous and nutritious! A symphony of colour: red, pink, white, yellow and orange stems and midribs light up the garden. The colour deepens as plants mature. Tuck these gorgeous greens in wherever you have a bit of space. They even look great amongst flowers and perennials! 

Pack Size: ~ 100 seeds

Latin Name: Beta vulgaris
Main Uses: Culinary

Days to Maturity: 30 days baby leaf, 60 days full size
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Height: 45 cm (18 inches)
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination: 7 - 14 days at 13º - 23ºC.
Seeding Depth: 1/2”
Spacing: Sow seeds every 2” in rows 18 - 24” apart. Thin to 4 - 8” apart. For baby greens, sow more thickly and do not thin.
When to Sow: Mid-spring through mid-summer.
Sowing Indoors: 4 - 6 weeks before planting out time. Transplants will result in earlier harvests. Chard transplants may also be started in a cold frame.

Soil and Nutrient Requirements: Provide loose, well-drained soils with the addition of good quality compost, such as Sea Soil. Heavy clay soils will benefit from the addition of organic matter and Greensand.

Growing in Containers: Grows very well in larger containers and raised beds.

Fertilizing (Containers): Add 25% quality compost to potting mix; fertilize weekly with a higher nitrogen organic plant food such as fish-based fertilizer.

Watering (Containers): Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Check every day or two during very hot weather.

Growing in Mixed Planters: This variety is well-suited for larger mixed planters such as a half barrels.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in garden beds recently amended with quality compost. No additional fertilizing is required.

Watering (Garden): Water daily for the first two weeks post transplanting. Check on plants during hot weather, and water if the soil is very dry or plants are wilted.

Notes: Chard is an ideal green for growing during the hot summer months and typically performs better than lettuce. Sow every 2 weeks for a continual harvest.

Suitability for Indoors: Not ideal for indoors, but can be grown as a specialized crop.

What about Grow Lights? Grow lights are required to grow this variety indoors.

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