Seeds - Pumpkin, Howden OG (HM)


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Description: The original Jack O’ Lantern! Rich orange color with deep ridges and good, sturdy handles. Fruits weighs 25 lbs on average. Sizes up reliably and is tolerant to Black Rot. Developed in the Berkshires of Massachusetts in the late 60's by John Howden, it remains the most popular pumpkin in its class among both commercial growers and home gardeners.

Pack Size: 3.54 g (1/8 oz)

Latin Name: Cucurbita pepo
Main Uses: Culinary, Ornamental
Days to Maturity: 115 days to maturity
Exposure: Full sun
Height: Vine
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination: 7- 14 days at 21°C.
Sowing: Indoors 3 - 4 weeks before last frost. Sow seeds in 3” pots. For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Apply a seedling-starter fertilizer such as Evolve Seedling once the second set of true leaves has appeared, and then alternate between the kelp and seedling starter until transplant.
Outdoors: direct seed after last frost date. Planting depth: 1”.
Spacing: Space seedlings 2’ apart. For direct sowing, place 5 seeds each in hills 4’ - 6’ apart. Thin to 3 plants per hill when first true leaves appear.

Harvesting: When fruit turns orange. Leave stem attached to pumpkin when picking.

Growing in Containers: Not suited for containers.

Growing in Mixed Planters: Not suited for mixed planters.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed amended with compost. No additional fertilizer is required.

Watering (Garden): Water evenly through the season.

Garden Companions: 

  • Squash (including pumpkins) gets along with Celery, Corn, Beans and Radishes. Pole beans work well planted near squash since they are heavy feeders. Beans can be trained up a trellis, and their roots fix nitrogen to enrich the soil. Nasturtiums act as a trap crop for pests such as flea beetles and aphids. Other beneficial companion plants such as basil tend to repels flies and mosquitoes. Planting oregano repels cucumber beetles. Tuck some radishes in among the rows as they help keep squash borers away.

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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