Nigella, Love in a Mist (Organically Grown Seeds)
This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.
Description: The seeds are a zesty spice, used like dried black pepper and a key ingredient in Middle-Eastern seasonings. The exotic -looking flowers are often described as being like alien spaceships! A mix of blue, mauve, pink, purple and white flowers.
In the garden, this beautiful heirloom flower dates back to at least 1570 in England. Intriguing striped seedpods dry well. It is hard to resist popping the seedpods when they are green because they pop like little balloons!
Pack Size: 50 seeds
Seed Source: Organically grown
Latin Name: Nigella damascena
Alternative Names: Black Cumin, Nigella, Kalonji, Love-Entangle or Jack-in-Prison.
Main Uses: Culinary, Ornamental
Zone Hardiness: Hardy Annual
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 50 - 75 cm (18 - 29 inches)
Flower Color: periwinkle blue flowers atop fern-like foliage
Flowering Time: July to September
Germination: 8 - 15 days at 21° C.
Sowing: Sow seeds directly outdoors in the early spring when the soil is still cool and light frost is possible. For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Direct seed 1/8" deep. Plants will tolerate poor soil.
Spacing: Thin to 8-12" apart.
Flowering time: June - August.
Notes: Will self-seed profusely. Prefers average soil and tolerates dry conditions. Good cut flower, fresh or dried seedpod.
Pruning: Cutting and deadheading produce more flowers
Watering (Containers): Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Check every day or two during very hot weather.
Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed amended with compost. No additional fertilizer is required.
Watering (Garden): Water new transplants regularly to establish roots. Once established, water deeply as required.
Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Bees - Nigella is a wonderful way to attract this critical pollinator. Encouraging bees will increase yields on your vegetable and fruit plants.
Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors
Special Instructions: Remove spent blossoms frequently to prolong blooming.