Mizuna, (Asian Greens), (Certified Organic Seeds)


This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.

Description: One of the most easily-identifiable ingredients in supermarket mixed greens, with light green, heavily-serrated leaves. A superb addition to salad mixes, with subtle but tasty flavour. Easy to grow! Try it in pots, raised beds, and outdoor garden beds.

USDA Certified Organic/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO

Pack Size: 0.89 g (1/32 oz)

Latin Name: Brassica japonica
Main Uses: Leafy salad green
Days to Maturity: 21 days to baby size/ 40 days to maturity
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 10 - 45 cm depending on preferred size at harvest.
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination: 7 days at 15 - 20°C.
Sowing: Indoors 2 - 3 weeks before the last frost. Outdoors, direct seed once the risk of frost has passed. Plant every two weeks for continual harvest. Try growing indoors over the winter!
Planting depth: 1/4".
Spacing: 6".
Notes: Clumps can often be cut four or five times before they run to seed. Young leaves are used raw, and older leaves are best lightly cooked.

Harvesting: For baby greens, harvest early (20 days). For mature leaves, harvest at 40 days. Cut often, as the leaves will regrow quickly.

Growing in Containers: Grows very well in larger containers and raised beds.

Watering (Containers): Water containers deeply when the top inch feels dry to the touch. Monitor every day or two during very hot weather.

Growing in Mixed Planters: This variety is well-suited for larger mixed planters such as half barrels.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden recently amended with compost. The application of Sea Magic kelp supplement is beneficial.

Watering (Garden): Water daily for the first two weeks post-transplanting. Check on plants during hot weather, and water if the soil is very dry or plants are wilted.

Garden Companions:
  • Plant with low-growing flowers such as Sweet Alyssum, Nasturtium, and Marigold. Likes strong herbs, including Rosemary, Sage, and Thyme.
  • Good neighbours: Beans, Strawberries and Tomatoes.

Notes: Use fresh, or sautée lightly to reduce hot flavour and increase sweetness.

Suitability for Indoors: Can be grown indoors, provided with strong daylight or use of full-spectrum grow lights, such as T5 lights.

What about Grow Lights? Grow lights will improve indoor growth.

Indoor Container Suggestions: Shallow bulb pan or recycled grocery containers with drainage holes punched out.

Special Instructions: Indoor Mizuna should be treated as a loose-leaf, cut-and-come-again crop.

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