Cucumber, Mouse Melon (Mexican Sour Gherkin) (Certified Organic Seeds)
This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.
Description: All the rage in gourmet kitchens and gardens! Also known as Mouse Melon for its diminutive size - the tiny 1 - 2” watermelon look-a-likes have a sweet and sour flavour that is reminiscent of pickles. Easy to grow.
Fruits fall from the vine when ripe.
Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada/ Heirloom/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO
Pack Size: 25 seeds
Latin Name: Melothria scabra
Alternative Names: Mouse Melon, Mexican Sour Gherkin, Dragon's Eggs
Main Uses: Culinary
Organic: Ecocert Canada
Days to Maturity: 60 -70 days to maturity
Exposure: Full sun
Height: Medium-sized vine up to 120 cm
Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: Summer
Germination: 7 - 14 days at 18 - 22ºC.
Indoors: 4 weeks before last frost date. Sow in individual 2 - 3" plantable pots, such as peat or coir, so as not to disturb the roots when transplanting. For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Apply a seedling-starter fertilizer such as Evolve Seedling once the second set of true leaves has appeared, and then alternate between the kelp and seedling starter until transplant.
Outdoors: Direct seed after last frost date, once the soil temperature reaches 20ºC.
Planting Depth: 1/2" (outdoors).
Spacing: 4 - 5 seeds in hills spaced 12 - 18" apart. Thin to 2 - 3 plants per hill. If space is limited, plant closer together and provide a trellis.
Planting Out: Plant outdoors in 12" diameter hills in well-drained fertile soil once seedlings are established and all chance of frost is past.
Fertilizing (Containers): Plant in a quality, organic-based potting mix with good drainage. Fertilize regularly with organic plant food. Jobes organic fertilizer spikes are easy and effective!
Watering (Containers): Water containers deeply when top inch feels dry to the touch. Monitor every day or two during very hot weather.
Growing in Mixed Planters: Sprawling cucumber varieties with vigorous vines are not well-suited to mixed planters, but compact varieties may do well given a large container, such as a barrel.
Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden recently amended with compost. No further fertilizing required.
Watering (Garden): Water evenly - very important!
Garden Companions: Nasturtiums are said to improve the flavour of cucumbers.
Harvesting: Pick regularly for continuous production.
Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.