Bean (Bush), Tanya's Pink Pod (Organically Grown Seeds)


  • Bean (Bush), Tanya's Pink Pod (Organically Grown Seeds)
  • Bean (Bush), Tanya's Pink Pod (Organically Grown Seeds)

This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.

Description: This beautiful, colour-shifting snap bean was discovered as a one-off sport in a Canadian market garden. Ever since, it has been impressing growers with its tastiness, productivity and stand-out style. Harvest when a blush-pink colour; changes to green when cooked. Long harvest window as a fresh been that in late season becomes a fabulous dry bean. 

Organically Grown/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO

Pack Size: 50 seeds

Latin Name: Phaseolus vulgaris

Days to Maturity: 50 days (fresh eating) 90 days (dry bean)
Exposure: Full to part sun
Height: Bush type
Flowering Time: July - August
Seed Source: Organically grown

Soil and Nutrient Requirements: Beans require average fertility, pH in the range of 6.0 - 6.8. Choose well-drained, warm soils.

Germination: 7 - 14 days at 22ºC. Temperatures below 15ºC will result in seed-rot.
Outdoors: Direct-seed once all risk of frost has passed. Sow successive plantings every 2 - 3 weeks to ensure a continual harvest.
Planting depth: 1”.
Spacing: Sow seeds 2 - 3'' apart in rows 15 - 24” apart. Thin to 4 - 6” once the first true set of leaves has developed.

Growing in Containers: May be grown in raised beds or very large planters, such as barrels.

Mixed Planters: Not suited to mixed planters.

Garden Companions: Companions to beans: Beets, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, corn, eggplant, potato, radishes, kale, lettuce, peas, potatoes, swiss chard, and strawberry.
Plants to Avoid:  All members of the allium family (onions, leeks, garlic, scallions) and Kohlrabi inhibit growth in beans. Sunflowers will compete for light.

Pest/Disease Issues: Aphids can be washed off plants with a hard stream of water. 

Harvesting: Harvest early and often to increase yields. Remove oversized beans to maintain pod production.

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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