Marshmallow (Organically Grown Seeds)
This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.
Description: Marshmallow is a herb with so many uses - including as a traditional ingredient for making the original version of the famous baking treat that is its name-sake! Other uses include as a spring salad green, as a root vegetable, and as a medicinal herb to soothe coughs and sore throat. Most people currently include marshmallow in the garden for its bold presence as a long-flowering perennial, and incredible ability to attract beneficial insects.
Organically Grown/ Heirloom/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO
Pack Size: 60 seeds
Latin Name: Althaea officinalis
Alternative Names:
Main Uses: Ornamental, medicinal, edible, naturescape
Zone Hardiness: Zone 3 perennial
Exposure: Full sun to part sub
Height: 120 cm (48 inches)
Flower Colour: Pinkish-white with raspberry centres
Flowering Time: Mid-summer into fall
Seed Source: Organically grown
Germination: 7 - 10 days at 21ºC.
Indoors: 3 seeds per plug, 6 - 8 weeks before the average last frost date; cold stratification in the refrigerator for 4 - 6 weeks prior to sowing improves germination.
Planting out: Plant in loose, fertile soil once all chance of frost has passed.
Direct Seeding: Direct seeding can be a great strategy for fall sowing Marshmallow, allowing the seeds to get a natural cold period over winter and establish very early the following spring.
Planting depth: 1/4 "
Spacing: Space transplants 12" apart
Growing in Containers: Not well suited to containers.
Growing in Mixed Planters: Not well suited to mixed planters.
Fertilizing (Containers): N/A
Watering (Containers): N/A
Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in average garden soil, amended with compost on an annual basis. No additional fertilizing is required.
Watering (Garden): Water deeply to establish. Water mature plants weekly during hot weather.
Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Many butterflies, as well as bees, and other small beneficial insects love visiting Marshmallow, and also find shelter in the shrubby growth.
Notes: Deadhead flowers to promote tidy re-blooming.
Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.