Seeds - Blazing Star OG (SGH)



This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.

Description: Grow this beloved perennial for its showy feather-duster spikes of late-season pink flowers. Massively popular with bees and butterflies too!

Pack Size: 50 seeds

Latin Name: Liatris spicata
Alternative Names: Gayfeather

Main Uses: Ornamental

Zone Hardiness: Zone 3
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 60 cm (2 ft.)
Flower Color: Pink-purple
Flowering Time: Flowers peak in late summer
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination Instructions: Blazing Star seeds benefit from a period of cold before sowing. Sprinkle the seeds onto a moistened paper towel and enclose in a Ziplock bag; store this in the refrigerator for six to eight weeks before sowing. Once the seeds have been cold-primed they can be sown into biodegradable starter pots. Sow 3 - 5 seeds per pot. 

Alternatively, seeds can be sown directly to the garden as soon as the soil can be turned (a few weeks before average last frost date) or in late October before the snow has accumulated.

Growing in Containers: Not suited for containers.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in average garden soil, and feed with an organic bloom fertilizer monthly.

Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Butterflies!

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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