Description: High resin variety grown for the organic medicinal market. Gorgeous rays of deep orange petals from July through frost. Use fresh petals as a garnish, and instantly create a gourmet presentation.
This strain has the highest amount of active constituents among calendula cultivars; the resin is used as a herbal salve for inflammation and localized skin problems. Also used as a dye for food or fabric.
USDA Certified Organic/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO
Pack Size: 0.89 g (1/32 oz)
Latin Name: Calendula officinalis
Alternative Names: Pot Marigold
Main Uses: Culinary, Ornamental, Medicinal
Zone Hardiness: Reseeding annual
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 45 - 60 cm (17 - 24 inches)
Flower Color: Orange
Flowering Time: Late June - October; tolerates light frost.
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic
Germination: 3 - 7 days at 21°C.
Sowing: Indoors 4 weeks before the last frost. Sow 4 - 6 seeds per cell. Apply Sea Magic from first watering. From the second set of true leaves to time of transplanting, alternate between Sea Magic and seed-starting fertilizer (such as Evolve) once per week.
Planting Depth: 1/4”.
Spacing (Seedlings): 1 plant every 8” - 12”.
Outdoors: Sow in late May for the end of June to fall blooms. Direct-seeding is the preferred method of growing Calendula.
Seed Spacing: Sow every 4” - 6” and then thin to 8” - 12”.
Growing in Containers: Well-suited to larger pots (12 inches and up).
Fertilizing (Containers): Fertilize containers regularly with an organic fertilizer. Jobes organic spikes for container plants are easy to use and effective!
Watering (Containers): Water containers deeply when top inch feels dry to the touch. Monitor every day or two during very hot weather.
Growing in Mixed Planters: Suited for large mixed planters such as barrels.
Fertilizing (Garden): Plant into well-drained garden soil, amended yearly with compost. No additional fertilizer required.
Watering (Garden): Water deeply to establish. Water mature plants weekly during hot weather.
Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Attracts pollinating bees, butterflies and hoverflies (these are good - they are excellent aphid eaters!).
Harvesting: Flower petals are dried and used for tea and body care preparations. Harvest flowers when they are fully open and set the heads upside down in a cool, dark, and dry indoor area. When the flowers are fully dry, strip the petals off and store in a jar away from light. Petals may also be eaten fresh - just pick a flower and strip the petals off. They are lovely when sprinkled on summer green salads.
Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.
All seeds offered at Sage Garden are from certified organic growers
How to get one?
Seeds can easily be ordered online for local pickup or shipping, or purchased in-store. If no "add to cart" button is visible, it means this item is currently out of stock.
Seeds can be shipped anywhere in Canada. Please choose "local pickup" or "shipping" at checkout.