Seeds - Yarrow, Summer Berries OG (SGH)

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  • Seeds - Yarrow, Summer Berries OG (SGH)
  • Seeds - Yarrow, Summer Berries OG (SGH)

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Description: Yarrow is a classic perennial cross-over plant appreciated as a gorgeous perennial flower, medicinal herb and also for its attractiveness to beneficial insects. 'Summer Berries' has an eye-catching mix of pink, white and reddish flowers. 

Pack Size: 50 seeds

Seed Source: Certified Organic

Latin Name: Achillea millefolium
Alternative Names:  
Main Uses: Ornamental perennial that has traditional medicinal uses and is also very popular for attracting beneficial insects to the garden.
Zone Hardiness: 3
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Height: 90 cm (3')
Flower Color: Mixed pinks and purples
Flowering Time: Late July - August (or until frost)

Germination: 7 - 14 days at 21°C.
Sowing: Indoors 4 - 6 weeks before the last frost, 3 - 5 seeds per cell. For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Apply a seedling-starter fertilizer such as Evolve Seedling once the second set of true leaves has appeared, and then alternate between the kelp and seedling starter until transplant. Outdoors, direct seed after last frost. The earlier plants are started indoors the quicker they will be to bloom in their first year (direct-seeded plants may not bloom until their second year). 
Planting depth: 1/16”, Lightly covered.
Spacing: Plant individual plants approximately 30 cm (12") apart.
Planting Out: Well-drained soil once seedlings are established and risk of frost has passed.

Notes: This is a very engaging plant, adding a wonderful fragrant dimension to the landscape; plant where it will get noticed!

Growing in Containers: Not well suited to most container planting situations. 

Fertilizing (Containers): N/A

Watering (Containers): N/A

Growing in Mixed Planters: Not well suited to mixed planters. 

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed amended with compost. No additional fertilizer is required.

Watering (Garden): Water young plants regularly to establish, then water deeply as conditions require.

Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Butterflies, ladybugs, hover flies.

Suitability for Indoors: Not well-suited for indoors as yarrow goes into dormancy for the winter months.

What about Grow Lights? Grow lights help when you are starting this variety indoors.

Indoor Container Suggestions: N/A

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