Nasturtium, Dwarf Jewel Blend (Certified Organic Seeds)
This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.
Description: Brilliant red, orange, salmon, and yellow flowers are boldly displayed upon bushes of thick, green, round leaves. Long, trailing plants are perfect for hanging baskets, containers or in the garden. Makes a beautiful border plant.
The peppery-tasting edible flowers are exquisite when stuffed with cream cheese or added to salads for colour. A very popular selection at Sage Garden!
USDA Certified Organic/ Open Pollinated/ Non-GMO
Pack Size: 1/8 ounce
Latin Name: Trapaeolum majus
Main Uses: Edible flower; Flowering herb
Zone Hardiness: Annual (60 days)
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 25 cm (10 inches)
Flower Color: Brilliant red, orange, salmon, and yellow flowers
Flowering Time: July - August
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic
Germination: 10 - 14 days at 21° C.
Sowing Indoors: 4 - 6 weeks before the last frost. Apply Sea Magic from first watering. From the second set of true leaves to time of transplanting, alternate between Sea Magic and seed-starting fertilizer (such as Evolve) once per week.
Planting Depth: 1” - 2”. Push firmly into the soil.
Planting Out: Once all chance of frost has passed. Handle seedlings carefully so as to not break the roots.
Spacing: 3 plants per 8" basket or plant every 10” - 12” inches apart in the garden.
Outdoors: Sow one week passed the last frost date.
Seed Spacing: Every 3”. Thin to every 12”.
Watering (Garden): Water daily for the first two weeks post transplanting. Check on plants during hot weather, and water if the soil is very dry or plants are wilted.
Growing in Containers: Very well-suited to containers.
Fertilizing (Containers): Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers, which impair blooming. Choose an organic bloom fertilizer once plants are established.
Watering (Containers): Water deeply as the soil becomes dry to the touch. During the hot months, check daily.
Growing in Mixed Planters: Excellent for mixed herb, veggie, or flowering pots.
Harvesting: Harvest leaves and flowers throughout the growing season. Seeds may also be harvested and used as a substitute for capers.
Pruning: Dead-head flowers as they fade.
Garden Companions: Nasturtiums are said to keep whiteflies away from Cucumbers, Cabbages, Cabbage-related veggies, and Beans.
Suitability for Indoors: Can be grown indoors under lights.
What about Grow Lights? Nasturtium can be grown indoors under fluorescent grow lights.
Indoor Container Suggestions: 6 - 8" pots with drainage holes.