String of Dolphins - Live Plant

This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.

The best thing about this plant is... what can we say, it really looks like a school of jumping dolphins!

Details: Okay, this one wins on both cute and, "I can't believe it actually looks like dolphins" merit! Although the String of Dolphins is a very gardener-friendly succulent. It grows quickly (much faster than String of Pearls!) and the dolphins just keep on coming.  

String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus) thrives in bright light in pots between 4" and 8". Repot to larger containers as plants become root-bound. As with all potted plants, we strongly recommend planting in containers with excellent drainage. We make our own organic succulent mix for these using 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 compost (Sea Soil) and 1/3 organic conditioned peat. This type of succulent should be given half strength all-purpose organic fertilizer monthly, year-round.

Container Size: The plants pictured here were photographed in November 2020, and are representative of the available plants. These are in 5" hanging pots.

Order Info: Order online or over the phone (204-257-2715) for local pick-up.

No shipping. 

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