Seeds - Delphinium, Cliveden Beauty OG (SGH)



  • Seeds - Delphinium, Cliveden Beauty OG (SGH)
  • Seeds - Delphinium, Cliveden Beauty OG (SGH)

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Description: A tall Larkspur (closely related to Delphinium) with slender yet sturdy stems. Very productive and creates a rainbow of blue, deep pink, soft pink, white and deep purple flowers. Ideal for mass plantings. Fantastic cottage garden classic!

Pack Size: 50 seeds

Latin Name: Delphinium consolida
Alternative Names: Delphinium (some debate as to whether Larkspur and Delphinium are the same thing!)
Main Uses: Ornamental

Zone Hardiness: Annual
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 90 - 120 cm (3-4 ft.)
Flower Color: Mixed - cottage garden look
Flowering Time: All summer
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination Instructions: Larkspur are essentially annual Delphiniums, and they benefit from early sowing indoors. Start seeds in pest or coir starter pots 8 - 12 weeks before average last frost date. Moisten soil then lightly push seeds into the soil. For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Apply a seedling-starter fertilizer such as Evolve Seedling once the second set of true leaves has appeared, and then alternate between the kelp and seedling starter until transplant. Place pots in a zip-lock or cover with plastic wrap, and place in the fridge (cold + dark) for two weeks of vernalization. Seeds will likely sprout during the cold period. Move them to a bright location and grow on. Transplant to larger pots if roots get to bottom of starter, or transfer directly to the garden after hardening off (and once last frost date has passed). 

Alternatively, seeds can be sown directly to the garden as soon as the soil can be turned (a few weeks before average last frost date) or in late October, before snow has accumulated.

Growing in Containers: Not suited for containers.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in average garden soil, and feed with an organic bloom fertilizer monthly.

Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Butterflies!

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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