Live Plant - Philodendron, Dubium


  • Live Plant - Philodendron, Dubium
  • Live Plant - Philodendron, Dubium
  • Live Plant - Philodendron, Dubium
  • Live Plant - Philodendron, Dubium

This item may be out of season or currently out of stock. Please check back.

Details: Gorgeous, deeply lobed leaves have an easy-going style that works both trailing or climbing. More light will encourage a denser growth habit for this philodendron. These are gorgeous cutting-grown plants!

Botanical Name:  Philodendron dubium Chodat & Vischer

Care:  Philodendron Dubium thrives under average to warm conditions year-round and is perfectly happy in medium to bright diffused light. Shine or rinse those gorgeous leaves every so often for a truly spectacular look. 

Zone: 11

Exposure:  Bright indirect light

Height:  Vining  

Container Size: One gallon

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