Seeds - Broccoli, Raab (Spring Rapini) OG (F)



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Order info: This item is available for online ordering within Canada. Please choose shipping or local pick-up at check out.

Description: Fast-growing, cool-season veggie with tender flowering shoots and broccoli-like florets that can be simply prepared by sauteéing in olive oil, garlic and pepper flakes. This Italian specialty with a mild mustard flavour is loaded with vitamins and folic acid. Easy to grow and easy to enjoy!

Pack Size: 1.3 grams / ~700 seeds

General Info

Row spacing: 18”.
Notes: Raab has no central head, and is grown for tender flowering shoots. Use floating row covers when planting to protect from flea beetles. Will tolerate light frosts.

Harvesting: Harvest multiple times as flower stalks peak above foliage or for a one-time harvest.

Growing in Containers: Well-suited to larger pots (12 inches and up)

Fertilizing (Containers): Feed with balanced organic fertilizer throughout the season.

Watering (Containers): Water evenly - very important!

Growing in Mixed Planters: Well-suited for larger mixed planters. Think square foot gardening!

Fertilizing (Garden): Amend garden soil with compost annually. No further fertilizer required.

Watering (Garden): Water deeply to establish. Water mature plants weekly during hot weather.

Pest/Disease Issues: Flea Beetles can be a serious problem for all Brassicas - especially in Manitoba where Canola is grown extensively (the beetles love Canola). The best way to avoid Flea Beetle damage is to grow Brassicas under row covers. Where the larvae have over wintered, specialized beneficial nematodes can applied to the soil in late May; the nematodes eat up the larvae before they can hatch - increasing the effectiveness of row covers considerably.

Suitability for Indoors: Can be grown indoors under lights or a very bright window.

Exposure: Full sun or grow lights.

What about Grow Lights? T5 full spectrum lights are ideal for this crop.

General Indoor Care: Sow fresh seeds in 8 - 12"pots. Lights are required for winter production.

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