Seeds - Bean (Pole), Scarlet Runner OG (SGH)



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Description: Did you know scarlet runner beans are edible? Yes! The young pods are tasty and have long been popular outside of North America... where we are just catching on. Not only are these edible, but the plants are also gorgeous, bearing vivid scarlet and orange flowers up tall vining stems. Perfect 'quick-fill' annual solution for covering fences, trellis, or arbors. 

Pack Size: 10 seeds

Seed Source: Certified Organic in BC

Latin Name: Phaseolus coccineus
Main Uses: Beautiful edible

Days to Maturity: 65 days to maturity
Exposure: Full sun
Height: Pole Habit, 3 - 4 meters (4 - 10 ft)
Flower Color: Bicolour: Orange and Red
Flowering Time: July - August

Germination: 7 - 14 days.
Outdoors: Direct seed once the risk of frost has passed. Runner beans can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures than snap and pole beans. Choose well-drained soil with average fertility. Amend the garden bed with quality compost such as Sea Soil.
Planting Depth: 1”.
Spacing: Sow seeds 4 - 6” apart in rows 18” apart. Thin to 6” apart once the first true set of leaves has developed. If you are planting around a pole, sow 8 - 10 seeds per pole and thin to 3 - 4 plants per pole.
Indoors: Start seeds 3 - 4 weeks before the last frost date. For best results, fertilize from first watering with a kelp-based fertilizer such as Sea Magic™
Planting Out: Plant hardened-off seedlings in well-drained fertile soil once the risk of frost has passed.

Growing: Runner beans require a sturdy trellis or pole to accommodate their vining habit.

Watering (Garden): Water regularly to ensure flowering. Sufficient water is a must during flowering and pod set. Mulching at the base will help prevent moisture loss.

Fertilizing (Garden): Amend beds with quality compost such as Sea Soil. No further fertilizing is required.

Growing in Containers: May be grown in raised beds or very large planters, such as barrels. Provide a trellis or pole.

Watering (Containers): Water regularly as the top of the soil dries out to the touch. Sufficient water is a must during flowering and pod set.

Fertilizing (Containers): Fertilize containers regularly with organic plant food. Jobes organic spikes are easy to use and effective!

Garden Companions: Beets, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, corn, eggplant, potato, radishes, kale, lettuce, peas, potatoes, Swiss chard, and strawberry.
Plants to Avoid: All members of the allium family (onions, leeks, garlic, scallions) and Kohlrabi inhibit growth in beans. Sunflowers will compete for light.

Pest/Disease Issues: Aphids can be washed off plants with a hard stream of water.

Harvesting: Runner beans can be eaten when young and tender. Harvest pods when they are 8” long and pick them every few days to ensure tenderness.

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.


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