Seeds - Rudbeckia, Cherry Brandy OG (F)



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Description: Luminescent cranberry and pearlescent burgundy with rich chocolate centers, we fell in love with Cherry Brandy instantly, as did Pancho, who loves to nap in their shade! Thriving even in poor soil and drought, Cherry Brandy is prolific in gardens as well as raised beds and containers. With long, strong stems perfect for cutting, each 2 to 3-foot plant blossoms mid-July doesn’t stop til frost, especially when harvested consistently.  Harvest as blossoms open for optimum vase life. The more sun Cherry Brandy receives, the more they’ll blossom.

Pack Size: 30 seeds 

Latin Name: Rudbeckia hirta
Main Uses:  Ornamental

Zone: 9 (may reseed in cooler zones)
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 30 - 60 cm (24" - 36")
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination:  8 - 14 days at 21˙C
Sowing: Sow indoors in late winter or early spring. Rudbeckias are hardy plants and compete fairly well with weeds once established, but they'll need cultivation when young. They are not fussy about soil but need reasonable drainage. 

Planting depth:  1/4”
Spacing:  6-12”  

Growing in Containers: Grow in a well draining potting mix, and give the plants some space to fill out. Blooms in mid to later summer, 

Fertilizing (Containers): Add up to 25% quality compost to your potting mix. This plant loves a higher nitrogen fertilizer - diluted fish fertilizer is an excellent organic choice, applied weekly.

Watering (Containers): Water deeply when top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Check every day or two during very hot weather.

Growing in Mixed Planters: This warmer-zone rudbeckia is well suited to larger planters, blooming in late summer.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed recently amended with quality compost. Feed weekly with a higher nitrogen organic fertilizer.

Watering (Garden): Water young plants regularly to establish, the water deeply as conditions require.

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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