Seeds - Borage OG (F)



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Description: Easy-going and full of cheer! Borage flowers taste like fresh cucumber. Flowers freeze nicely in ice cubes for an excellent drink garnish. Bees love Borage, making it a great companion to vegetable and fruit plants. 

Size: 50 seeds per pack

Latin Name: Borago officinalis
Alternative Names: Star Flower, Bee Bread, Talewort
Main Uses: Culinary, Edible Flower, Companion Plant, Ornamental

Zone Hardiness: Annual, Reseeding (Blooms in 5 - 6 weeks)
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 45 - 60 cm (17 - 24 inches)
Flower Color: Blue (opens pink, then turns blue).
Flowering Time: All summer

Germination: 5 - 7 days at 21° C.
Sowing Indoors: Sow 4 weeks before last frost date. Plant 3 - 5 seeds per pot in peat or coir pots to avoid disturbing the roots at transplant.
Fertilizing: For best results, apply Sea Magic™ kelp from first watering. Apply a seedling-starter fertilizer such as Evolve Seedling once the second set of true leaves has appeared, and then alternate between the kelp and seedling starter until transplant.
Planting Depth: 1/8”. Push firmly into soil.
Planting Out: Transplant hardened-off seedlings to well-drained garden soil after last frost date.
Plant Spacing: Space 12” apart.
Outdoors: Sow in late May once all chance of frost has passed and soil has warmed. Direct-seeding outdoors is the preferred method for Borage as it has a taproot that does not like to be disturbed.
Seed Spacing: Sow seeds 6” apart and thin to 12” apart.
Note: Borage is best planted (seeded) directly into the location where you intend to grow it.

Growing in Containers: Only very large containers, such as half-barrels. Borage requires lots of space to thrive.

Fertilizing (Containers): If container-growing, add 25% quality compost and fertilize biweekly with a balanced organic fertilizer or use Jobes organic fertilizer spikes.

Watering (Containers): Water deeply when top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Check every day or two during very hot weather.

Growing in Mixed Planters: Not suited to mixed planters.

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in a garden bed amended with compost. No additional fertilizer is required.

Watering (Garden): Water new transplants regularly to establish roots. Once established, water deeply as required.

Beneficials Attracted to this Plant: Bees! Borage is a wonderful way to attract this critical pollinator. Bees will increase yields on your vegetable and fruit plants.

Garden Companions: Considered a great companion plant for tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, melons, and squashes.

Harvesting: Harvest flowers as they open. Young leaves can be harvested for fresh use.

Suitability for Indoors: Not suited for indoors.

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