Description: If you've got it, flaunt it! Crepe paper-like flounces of pink petals adorn the garden for months, thriving both in sun or partial shade. Poppies will readily re-seed without becoming a nuisance, perfectly dotting your landscape with their resilience for years to come.
Plant height: 60 - 90 cm (24 - 36")
Poppies do best when direct-seeded into the early spring garden, as soon as the soil can be lightly worked but while temperatures are still cool. Surface sow or gently press into the soil. Sprinkle a little moistened compost or light soil over the area to help the seeds stay in place.
Sowing Indoors:
Days to germination: 7 - 21
Seed Depth: 1/4"
When to sow indoors: 5 weeks before the last frost (although poppies are best direct seeded)
Seeds per cell: 2
Thinning: Thin to 1 seedling once 3 true leaves have emerged
Plant spacing: 6 - 8"
Pack Size: 50 seeds
Seed Source: USDA Certified Organic