Frisée, Endive, Marâichère Très Fine (F)



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Description: A large, frizzy endive with a twist: sweet flavour! This French heirloom dating back to the 19th century adds excellent texture to mixed-green salads. 

Frisée, with its wonderful flavour and texture, is a popular ingredient in mesclun salad mixes; for the gourmet salad maker, Frisée opens up a range of exciting possibilities! It pairs well with other interesting salad ingredients such as dried cranberries and cherries, sliced apple, walnuts, pine nuts and bacon pieces.

Easy to grow! 

Pack Size: 0.5 g

Latin Name: Cichorium endivia
Alternative Names: Endive
Main Uses: Culinary
Days to Maturity: 46 days
Exposure: Full sun
Height: 20 - 25 cm (8 - 10 inches)
Certified Organic: USDA Certified Organic

Germination: 6 - 14 days at 18 - 22°C. Keep soil evenly moist.
Sowing: Direct sow in spring once the ground is workable. Will tolerate light frost.
Planting Depth: 1/4”.
Spacing: Sow seeds 2” apart and thin to 8” once the second set of leaves has emerged. 

Growing in Containers: Very well-suited for containers, 8 inches and up.

Fertilizing (Containers): Plant in a composty soil mix, then supplement with a balanced organic fertilizer.

Watering (Containers): Water to maintain even soil moisture.

Growing in Mixed Planters: Square foot garden raised beds!

Fertilizing (Garden): Plant in average, well-drained garden soil amended with quality compost such as Sea Soil.

Pruning: For baby greens, cut leaves from base of plant and leave plant in the ground for regrowth to occur. At maturity, pull out entire plant. Sow in successive plantings for a continual harvest.

Suitability for Indoors: Can be grown on a sunny windowsill.

Exposure: Full sun.

What about Grow Lights? Grow lights are essential if you want regular harvests during the fall and winter.

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