The best things about this plant are... the small but remarkable blooms that emit an aroma so thick as to hang in the air like incense smoke. Incredible!
Details: Night Scented Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) has been a favourite at Sage Garden since our first year growing unusual houseplants (that is way back in 1996!). Night Jasmine can be allowed to grow tall indoors (up to 5') or maintained as a smaller potted plant by trimming back. Blooms tend to occur during seasonal transitions, often up to three times per year.
The plant is grower-friendly provided with a bright but indirect light situation and loves to be pinched back regularly to encourage bushiness. Water deeply then allow to dry slightly to touch and feed with an organic all-purpose organic plant food monthly, on a year-round basis. We recommend summering Night Jasmine outdoors in a shaded location.